Don’t forget to print off the Q2 Task Sheet and Checklist 🙂

Grade 7 Unit Plan 2

Grade 7 U2 Task Sheet and Checklist

Keyword: Choreographic Intent -Planned sequence of movements. (Your aim of the dance). For example a dance that tells a story or shows how good at dancing you are.

Statement of Inquiry: The arts can communicate a message to an audience through expression. (Sorry 7R/7B I wrote down Q3 statement of inquiry please change this).

This unit you are going to create your own dance piece. You need to show some of the kinaesthetic skills that you learnt last quarter. Remember: flexibility, strength, co ordination, stamina and alignment.

Your movements will try to communicate a message to your audience.

This lesson we are going to look at bringing the JUNGLE to the CITY (Think about Tarzan in the city). The dance style we are going to focus on is Tribal dance.

What would we expect to see in the jungle? Monkeys, Lions etc…

How would they move?

Task: Prescribed Tribal dance choreography to a modern song: Avicii – Bad, 2014.

Tarzan in the City

Have a look at this *Making Tribal dance more URBAN!*


Lesson 2

Keyword: Expression – Dancers tell stories by using different facial expressions. Instead of using words, dancers use their bodies and movement to express themselves. Facial expressions will help tell the audience what you are feeling. By practicing different positions of the head, eyes, mouth and body you can learn to convey your feelings to an audience.

Question: In what ways can the arts influence or even change society?

What message do you get from this choreography?

Today’s Lesson

Finger Tutting 


What skill components do you need for:

  • Finger Tutting
  • Voguing
  • Tribal dance

Task: Prescribed Finger Tutting/Voguing dance choreography to a tribal song.


Lesson 3

Start planning your choreography – Things to think about

  • What socio-political message are you trying to communicate? The Jungle in the City or The City in the Jungle?
  • Which style/s of dance have you selected?
  • What are your choices for your music? Have at least 3 options then you can choose the best one.
  • Do you have any ideas for your movements? Think about what we have completed in class? Tarzan & Jane.
Don’t forget your homework to create 8 movements for next lesson.


Get inspired!


Lesson 4 

Keyword: Dance Notation – The written form of dance.

Working on your choreography.

Mini meetings to check your Process Journal progress.

General feedback from the process journals:

  • A lot of you did not complete the homework.
  • The 8 movements were rushed and unclear.
  • Remember that your dance notation needs to be clear: If someone else wanted to learn your movements they should be able to.
  • Complete your checklists. Only a few people are actually looking at these. This is what I use when I mark you.


Lesson 5

Working on your choreography.

Ms Rathi will collect in your Process Journal at the end of the lesson.


Lesson 6

Practice rehearsal with feedback from your peers and Ms Megan.

Ms Rathi will give back your Process Journal and give generic feedback for the work submitted in order to re-submit next week (L7).

General feedback from the process journals:

  • Some students still did not have a copy of their task sheet and checklist in their books.
  • Well done to those students who wrote notes on their task sheet and checklist.
  • A lot of you describe what we completed in class but you don’t illustrate/describe or explain the movements that we completed.
  • Try to complete everything on the task sheet. You should be coming back to the inquiry questions all of the time.
  • Always try to link your learning Quarter 1 should link to Quarter 2.

General feedback from the practical performances:

  • The music and the dancing shouldn’t match (This is called Disassociation). I am looking at how you communicate an idea of either the CITY or the JUNGLE through movement (expression).
  • Some of the movements don’t communicate your message. Tutting/Voguing = CITY and Tribal = JUNGLE
  • Make sure that you are prepared for your performance. (The music should already be downloaded – don’t depend on the internet).
  • There is a lot of energy missing from the performances.
  • Some of the performances are INCOMPLETE.
  • Always remember the starting point for your dance. (Please see the pictures below).


Lesson 7

PRACTICAL PERFORMANCES – Your group dance will be video recorded today.

Dance Analysis – You will watch all of the dance performances and review the following:

  1. Message – What message were they trying to communicate? The Jungle in the City or The City in the Jungle? How did you know this?
  2. What skills did they use in their performance? Remember from Q1? (Coordination, strength, stamina, flexibility and alignment).
  3. Give at least 1 movement example from their performance.

*You should also complete this for your own performance. Why is that good practice to analyse yourself?

Good Example 1: Well done Adam, Hamza & Hao – Bringing the City to the Jungle (Tutting).

Good Example 2: Well done Delroba, Rene, Samirah & Ibnu – Bringing the Jungle to the City (Tribal).


Lesson 8

Quarter review: You need a feedback form. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Write your name at the top of the form.
  2. Give your Process Journal to one of your friends.
  3. Once you have a book to mark write your name by the comment 1 name space.
  4. Watch your peer’s dance performance and think about what your they are like in class and look through their Process Journal.
  5. Give 4 grades based on the four criteria the lowest mark is 1 (LIMITED) and the highest mark is 8 (EXCELLENT) (A= Knowing and Understanding, B= Developing Skills, C= Thinking Creatively & D= Responding).
  6. Make sure you also give a general comment – This is really important: imagine if you just received a grade without any explanation why…

*Remember your final semester grade is based on how you have been on a whole for the entire semester (Q1/Q2) this grade is NOT based only on your Process Journal and Performances, it takes into consideration how you are and what you show in EVERY class.

During this class we will go through each criterion and what you should be showing me in your work:

A = Knowing and Understanding


What the IB says: The use of appropriate language.

What Ms Rathi says: Use the keywords that I give you on your task sheet regularly throughout the unit.


What the IB says: Relationship between the art form and the context.

What Ms Rathi says: Tell me about the styles of dance we are looking at in class and GIVE EXAMPLES OF THE MOVEMENTS.


What the IB says: Links between the knowledge acquired and the artwork created.

What Ms Rathi says: Make links between what you know and the dance that you have made.

B = Developing Skills 


What the IB says: develop the skills and techniques of the art form studied.

What Ms Rathi says: technical skills for the dance style.


What the IB says: application of skills and techniques to create, perform and present art. 

What Ms Rathi says: performance skills when presenting dance.

C = Thinking Creatively


What the IB says: identify an artistic intention.

What Ms Rathi says: have a plan for your dance.


What the IB says: identify alternatives and perspectives.

What Ms Rathi says: write down what you think about the style of dance and give your ideas for dance.


What the IB says: demonstrate the exploration of ideas.

What Ms Rathi says: show me your plans and thoughts for your dance.

D = Responding

What the IB says: connections between art forms, art context or prior learning.

What Ms Rathi says: making links between the dance style, your lessons and previous lessons (Q1).


What the IB says: Recognise that the world contains inspiration or influence for art.

What Ms Rathi says: Relate what we are learning in class. to the BIG WIDE WORLD.


What the IB says: evaluate certain elements or principles of artwork.

What Ms Rathi says: be able to comment on your own and other dance performances.

Excellent Process Example: Well done Zeena 7Y


Whiteboard notes


Please watch the dance videos on this website, there are so many ways of presenting dance…

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